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Different sustainable solutions for different occasions
We can clearly see how the focus on sustainability issues is increasing everywhere in society. This has a major impact on how the Group conducts its business.
Despite the strong focus on economic instability and the energy crisis in 2022, sustainability was still an important ingredient. There is an increasing realization that it is not possible to build strong, resilient and durable societies and companies without strongly rooted sustainability work.
This is about long-term strength, relevance among key stakeholders and being a catalyst for positive change. Duni Group chooses to be proactive in this area, and our three sustainability initiatives help us focus on the right things (see below).
Important to have reporting and policies
Owners and investors are some of a company’s most important stakeholders. ESG (Environment, Social & Governance) aspects are assuming ever greater significance when they assess a company’s future prospects and attractiveness as an investment opportunity. There are different sources to determine a company’s performance, from established platforms such as GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), UNGC (UN Global Compact) and EcoVadis, to legislation and investors’ own models. One common denominator is that they all link financial with environmental and social aspects in accordance with the Triple Bottom Line model.
When we updated our policies and governing documentation in 2022, we therefore structured them in accordance with Triple Bottom Line and ESG: environment social and governance. This gives us a head start prior to future changes and requirements. By reporting in accordance with the GRI, we are also taking a step forward in how we structure our sustainability work.
The EU’s view of single-use products is the big issue facing our industry. The plastics directive from 2019 focused on single-use plastic products. Work underway on a new packaging regulation is putting more and more emphasis on recycled materials, but above all on multi-use packaging.
Different sustainable solutions for different occasions
Duni Group is working intensively to develop efficient, sustainable solutions for reuse. The number of times a packaging item can be reused is crucial, and in order for it to be counted as sustainable, return rates significantly above 95% are required.
The important thing for us is to make it easier for consumers and restaurants to do the right thing. And it is not possible to say in advance whether a single-use solution or a multi-use solution is more sustainable. Duni Group can offer good single-use products with a high share of renewable materials that fit into collection and recycling systems, and viable multi-use products that suit both the restaurant industry and consumers.
In this way, we want to ensure that we are the industry’s trusted sustainability leader and a good partner for our customers. When we make their offering more sustainable, we strengthen our own competitiveness and use our knowledge and expertise to build a business model that works in the long term.
Erik Lindroth
Sustainability Director
Duni Groups' three sustainability initiatives for 2030:

Becoming Circular at Scale
We see circular models in a life-cycle perspective. We are committed to reducing the use of virgin fossil plastics, finding end-of-life solutions and providing viable multi-use solutions.
Going Net Zero
Climate change is society’s biggest challenge today. We are replacing our fossil dependence with renewable energy solutions, materials and distribution chains. We are working towards science-based targets and are the first in the industry to
produce quarterly-based climate reports.
Living the Change
We need to create structures that give us the best conditions to develop and succeed with our plans. We are boosting our expertise in the area of sustainability making progress in our communication and increasing transparency. We are improving our control of the entire value chain, which strengthens the business.